Brain Curiosities


My content explains complicated ideas in simple ways, always providing resources and scientific evidence for the claims, providing a high standard of information.

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I created a Podcast with Researchers!

Important discussions with professionals!

Or look for Brain curiosities on Apple Podcasts!

Mission and goals


Scientific information is often difficult to understand and inaccessible due to unethical pricing practices by journals and editors. 

The first goal of Brain Curiosities is to make this information accessible and spread knowledge that is otherwise difficult to attain.

Spread Awareness

Mental health is often stigmatized and poorly known, even at times by medical professionals. 

My second goal is to spread awareness about mental health care and conditions like ADHD and ASD so that both medical practitioners and patients may have accurate and recent information to better navigate their conditions. 

Give Back to Research

Researchers often are unknown and undervalued. Many researchers are doing incredible advances for science and will remain anonymous. 

My third goal is to give scientists a platform on which to present their projects, passions and research, so that people become aware of what they do, and why.

My Values


I always strive to do content that is scientifically accurate and can be traced back to peer-reviewed studies or solid research. 

I will always try to keep my content as informational and unbiased as possible. 


I will always provide my sources and strive to be transparent in everything that I claim in my content. I hold to the same standard the brands that I work with and will not recommend something that is not backed by research or that I have not tried myself. 


There is not only one way of doing research. Clinical trials can interesect with knowledge from neuroscience, genetics, biology or even chemistry. In the same way, patient experiences are meaningful and are part of the information that is essential when talking about mental health. 

My creation steps


Where I read scientific papers and try to see common elements in different publications to be as accurate as possible


Where I try to collapse complex knowledge into digestible information


Where I record and add scientific resources to the videos